Season’s of Life

Season’s of Life

Winston Churchill said once, “Success is never final; failure is never fatal; it is courage that counts.” After 13 years of existence YAS will be winding down into a dormant status as of June 1, 2015. This is another season. We have done our best to fulfill our...

Confessions of a Pharisee

Confessions of a Pharisee (part 1) Sometimes I live as if there are two law givers, God and me. After many days alone now since my handsome passed, actually three months today, I can see how easy it is to break your own false standards that a person, me for example,...
painting a new portrait

painting a new portrait

After reading a statement, “picking up a paint brush and painting a new portrait,” I actually felt encouraged. My life has taken on a different meaning and our family has taken on a different dynamic since the passing of my husband and their father, Eric...

Father’s Day 2014

How do you even begin to write about a man who although his father passed away when he was six, did an awesome job raising sons and daughters? Three girls and one son, biological and three additional sons by gifting. Sometimes we forget that our own Jesus Christ was...

The end of a journey

Dearest Friends, I don’t have much to say right now because my heart is very heavy but my husband, Pastor Eric Hensley, passed away this past Wednesday. I would like our friends to know there is a viewing on Sunday at Fairhaven Memorial on this Sunday from 2pm...